Resources for Rethinking

Resources for Rethinking (R4R) is a FREE online database where educators can search for high-quality, teacher-reviewed, curriculum-matched resources (including lesson plans, videos, children’s books, outdoor activities and apps/games) on issues related to sustainability.

Our search engine makes it easy to find great sustainability resources for every grade and subject!

Search by:

  • Language (English/French)
  • Jurisdiction (Province/Territory)
  • Grade, subject and curriculum unit
  • Sustainability theme (14 themes and 96 issues)
  • Resource type (lesson plan, children’s literature, video, outdoor activity, games/apps)
  • The UN Sustainable Development Goals

Easy access to the resources you're looking for

Over 1,600 of the best resources available from hundreds of publishers including commercial publishers, non-profit organizations, government, school boards, teachers’ federations. Most resources are available free for download from the publisher’s website.

Quality Professional reviews

Resources are reviewed by the people best equipped to judge the value of an educational resource: teachers! The rigorous review process was developed in collaboration with teachers from across Canada. To be included in the database resources must meet stringent sustainability and pedagogical criteria recommended in the research on teaching and learning.

Want to learn how to access curriculum-connected classroom resources?

Through the generous support of the Ontario Teachers’ Insurance Pan and TW Insurance, you can access a Resources for Rethinking (R4R) demonstration workshop. R4R workshop show teachers how to access and utilize our database of curriculum-matched teaching resources including lesson plans, children’s literature, videos, outdoor activities and games/apps that integrate environmental, social and economic spheres through interdisciplinary and action-oriented learning.